The Lazy Eye Disease (Amblyopia)

Posted by Admin on Saturday, August 20, 2011

The sense of sight is an integral part of a person. After eye problems can be a lot of discomfort and can even be a hindrance if you do your daily activities. A type of eye impairment is a condition called ambylopia, which is also known as lazy eye.

Amblyopia basically occurs when one of your eyes to see clearly and sees blurry images. If this were the case, your brain would perceive only the images that are sent from your normal eye and would suppress and inhibit the visual messages that are sent from your other eye effected. If this happens, there is a reduced eye on vision, which are not corrected with lasik surgery. 

The Symptoms of Amblyopia 
The basic symptom of amblyopia is reduced vision eye. Unfortunately, this eye disease cannot be corrected with contact lenses or glasses. The amblyopic eye does not seem to see clear images, especially because the brain does not recognize and does not process his visual reception. This condition usually effects only one eye, but as it worsens, the other eye may also be negatively effected. 

Causes of Amblyopia 
The symptoms of amblyopia as a child can already be noticed the first few weeks, until he reaches six years old. Usually, can be caused by amblyopic strabismus or misalignment of the eyes. It may also be related to anisometropia, where each eye the lenses have different focal lengths. Other causes of amblyopia can be eye lid trauma and roof slopes. 

The Treatment of Amblyopia 
Recent studies show that amblyopia has no cure, but if it is detected at an earlier stage, it can be treated. Treatment techniques employ the use of glasses and eye drops. Vision therapy can also be used. One of the most popular vision therapy, patching is, where is the eye in an attempt to correct the visual perception covered. It is important that amblyopia should be treated early because it was too difficult to treat, once a person is proven in the puberty.
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Posted by Admin on Friday, August 19, 2011

There are many things that can transmit bacteria and other harmful components into our bodies. Foreign substances can really carry all types of viruses into which can cause various diseases. Amebiasis, also known as amebic dysentery, caused by the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica from scientific or called.

The Cause of Amebiasis
Amebiasis is transmitted when an individual is most likely to drink water or eat food infected with Entamoeba histolytica. This type of amoeba can basically be found from human feces or droppings. These cysts then go to the intestines where the cyst burst open because of digestive secretions. When this happens, the trophozoites are released and invade the intestinal wall and feed on bacteria intestine. This can lead to injury or disease in the intestinal tissue.

Symptoms of Amebiasis
Amebiasis disrupt the normal digestive process. Evident symptoms of amebiasis include fever, cramps and diarrhea. It can also affect the stomach, intestines and other parts of your body.

The Diagnosis of Amebiasis
Amebiasis can be diagnosed by stool examination. It can detect the presence of cysts, Entamoeba histolytica and other amoebae. Sigmoidoscopy is also another technique to diagnose amebiasis which the doctor uses a sigmoidoscope, a thin and flexible device that can check a person's intestines. A simple blood test can also see where amebiasis. The more modern way of diagnosing amebiasis, including CT scans and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Understanding Amebiasis Understanding Amebiasis Understanding Amebiasis
Treatment of Amebiasis
To stop the spread of bacteria in the body of a person, a person with amebiasis is given drugs to kill the amoeba that causes the disease. In severe cases, blood and fluid replacement is necessary. Drugs used to combat the disease is called amebicides.

Prevention of Amebiasis
Drinking pure water is safe and can help prevent amebiasis. Make sure that the food you eat clean and handled properly. Always keep your bathroom clean and free of human waste. Always dispose of human waste properly. Infected people can transmit amebiasis, it is wise that you practice safety precautions at all times.
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Anosmia – Impaired Sense of Smell

Posted by Admin on Thursday, August 18, 2011

There are moments when you have a cold and you seem to have lost their sense of smell? In fact there are some individuals who have a sense of smell disorders. This medical condition known as anosmia. Especially it can reduce a person's ability to differentiate between some types of smells.

Animals use the sense of smell is more often than men. Our olfactory nerves, cranial nerves at the base of the frontal lobe of a person's brain, is where the sense of smell is basically instigates. When a person loses a sense of smell, basically boils down to brain dysfunction. Some people may have distorted their sense of smell, excessive or illusion.

The Cause of Anosmia
Generally, anosmia may be associated with inflammation of the lining of a man's nose is often accompanied by rhinitis. Having no air passing through the olfactory nerve, then it is almost certainly the sense of smell may be paralyzed. There are many factors that may contribute to rhinitis. Environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke and air pollution may pose health risks. Allergens and infections also can trigger rhinitis, which can then lead to anosmia.

Diganosing Anosmia
Diganosing can cause anosmia is difficult as some people may actually see the loss of sense of smell, especially if it affects only one nostril. A doctor can diagnose anosmia by testing the sense of smell by exposing each nostril separately with a strong smell like perfume. They also look for signs of rhinitis and polyps. Modern techniques including the use of brain imaging studies to detect a sinus infection or brain injury.

Treatment of Anosmia
Treating the root causes of anosmia means treating him. As rhinitis is the most common cause of anosmia can be treated by taking decongestants, which can be synthetic products or herbs. Corticosteroids can also be used to reduce inflammation.

Prevention of Anosmia
One should stay away from environmental pollutants that may pose health risks. Always carry with you a handkerchief or a mask to prevent inhalation of foreign substances. Quitting smoking can also help reduce the risk of anosmia.
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The Signs of Peripheral Vascular Disease

Posted by Admin on Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Peripheral vascular disease, also known as PAD, is a circulation problem that tends to narrow the artery located in the leg, so that blood flow is reduced. This is directly related to the disease that affects the blood vessels that are responsible for sending blood to the lower extremities. People with this disease often experience leg pain when they walk. The pain is medically referred to as intermittent claudication. Peripheral vascular disease were also associated with atherosclerosis, where fatty deposits accumulate in the arteries so that blood flow is reduced. And this can happen not only in the foot but also to the brain and heart.

Signs and Symptoms of Peripheral Vascular Disease
Symptoms of the disease is entirely dependent on the severity. People with mild cases may not observe any symptoms at all. But for those who have it severe, muscle pain and cramps in the legs, including arms, to feel. The pain usually occurs after exerting too much physical effort, such as walking, running, and hiking. For some people, pain can be reduced by several minutes of rest. But unfortunately for some people, restricting them from performing normal body movements at all.

Apart from the pain, people suffering from peripheral vascular disease will experience a cold feeling in the legs and feet every now and then. They will see that the pain from toe, foot, or leg does not heal as fast as it should. There will also be changes in the foot and nail color.

Some people may feel pain, even if they do not do physical activity at all. Foot or hand may feel pain, even if they just lie. This event is called ischaemic rest pain. Many people who have trouble sleeping at night.

The Causes of Peripheral Vascular Disease

Atherosclerosis is the main cause of this disease. As said before, this is due to fat accumulation in the coronary arteries and its walls. When this occurs, chest pain occurs. But more often than not, the prevalence did not depend on the liver alone. The rest of the body's arteries may be affected as well. If the artery is located in the neck and brain are affected, a stroke may occur. Now if it affects the control group and leg arteries, peripheral vascular disease develops.

Blood clots in the arteries and the limbs are also a major cause of the disease, and follow the same principles. Infections are directed to the muscles and ligaments are also a factor, especially if the virus infects the banned blood from flowing properly.

Diagnosing Peripheral Vascular Disease
Physical examination performed by a specialist intensive enough to diagnose this disease. Typically, doctors will find that the patient's pulse weakened, or even may not exist in certain areas where the artery has narrowed. And using a stethoscope, the doctor will hear a whooshing sound in the affected artery. Blood pressure was also reduced.

Another diagnostic test, called the Ankle-brachial index, can also be done. The method of testing blood pressure at the ankle and compare them with arms. A session on the treadmill may be needed so that doctors can detect how many are affected by narrowed arteries.

Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease

To treat this disease, your doctor may prescribe medical therapies that aim to reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood sugar, blood clotting, and all the other symptoms associated with the disease. But if the body's response to drugs is not satisfactory, the physician can proceed to more invasive methods of treating diseases. Angioplasty, bypass surgery, and thrombolytic therapy is a method commonly done.
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Anotia Causes Treatment and Symptoms

Posted by Admin on Tuesday, August 16, 2011

There are several congenital conditions that can be seen even in early child birth. One anotia medical cases. Anotia marked by the emergence of a relatively small ear / s. In the worst case, there is even a lack of ears.

Cause Anotia
Anotia often associated with abnormalities of the body including kidney dysfunction and hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by a decrease in the amount of thyroid hormone in the body. Other related thyroid condition can also cause anotia risk. Other congenital conditions that can cause embryopathy anotia including diabetes and fatal alcohol syndrome.

Diagnose Anotia
There are times that a child could suffer hearing loss in anotia diagnosis. Anotia should be evaluated immediately to detect other dysfunction that may be associated with. Pregnancy, which is about 5-7 weeks, is the same period in which the fetal development of the most important and also when thyroid dysfunction may arise, which can cause anotia.

Treatment for Anotia
Modern studies show that the reconstruction technique that can actually cope with the appearance of ear malformations. Anotia not just about aesthetics, can also cause hearing loss and ear-related health conditions. If this occurs, then surgery can be an efficient solution to this problem. The operation will not only reconstruct the ear malformations but also can enhance the auditory system of the person who raises anotia.

An auricular reconstruction is a medical technique used to heal anotia. It was tested for the market in their 30s and has since been found to be a great way to restore the exterior appearance of a normal ear. You need to consult with medical experts to evaluate whether someone is a good candidate for auricular reconstruction. The operation can take several visits to your doctor within a span of six months. Treating anotia earlier during the life of a child really going to help him face the social life all the better.
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Threat of Anthrax

Posted by Admin on Monday, August 15, 2011

There was a moment that the world is under threat of anthrax (as yet) because of the deadly virus is said to have been used by terrorists to disrupt the world order. Anthrax is an infectious disease of anthrax Bacillus bacterium is called. The virus is commonly found in animals like camels, Antelope, goats, sheep, and the like. People may actually be infected if they are exposed to animals infected with the virus.

The Symptoms of Anthrax

Once a person inflicts with anthrax, the clear signs of a week. When infection occurs through the skin, or when the virus enters through cuts or wounds the skin to handle animal inflicted with anthrax, symptoms include itching and the appearance of lumps of skin that resemble the insect bites. The swelling may also occur. When inhaled, anthrax symptoms include the common problems of cold, severe breathing and shock. If anthrax is ingested, symptoms may include constant vomiting, nausea, fever, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and chronic diarrhea. Anthrax is a very dangerous and can be the cause of death.

The Prevention of Anthrax
In countries where there is the threat of anthrax, animals tend to have the anthrax virus should be vaccinated as a result. The meat comes from the mascot should be avoided. If one can not avoid eating meat, make sure that the meat they eat properly handled and cooked. There is also a need to have the anthrax vaccine for humans.

The Treatment for Anthrax
Doctors isolating Bacillus anthracis from the blood of an infected person, skin abrasions or secretions to diagnose the presence of anthrax. Then they measure individual antibody. Once diagnosed with anthrax, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics that are effective for you that you can take. This can only be effective if the virus is found early and treated appropriately. If the anthrax cases monitored and untreated, can lead to sudden death of infected people.
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Choosing Highlight Colors for Black Hair

Posted by Admin on Sunday, August 14, 2011

Each Indian woman who wants to have long, thick, black hair and healthy. This is considered a symbol of beauty in India since ages. Draupadi even viewed as the ideal woman, long and thick black wrist soldier when slings. But now, black hair is not popular among the current generation. Now people want something that can match their profession and the individual. It should be something that can increase a person's identity and make a difference in the crowd. In ancient times, no, because there is no choice but to keep the hair in its natural form, and now you have a choice. You can try to emphasize that not only can improve your appearance, but also gives you additional special feelings about yourself. Leave the impression of different colours to suit different hair color. You can select the highlight color for black hair that looked great on them. Here are given some of the highlight colors that look good on black hair.

The proper way to choose a highlight color for black hair.
If you have dark or black hair then you should keep the following in mind before choosing the highlight color for black hair.

Changing Self-Blonde
If you want to do something different with your performance, then you should try different colors. This should be something entirely different from conventional color. You can help yourself by trying to light color. Golden yellow stripes on black or dark colors will not only provide a beautiful contrast, but it will make you look really great. It reflects a beautiful combination of nature extrovert, jovial and friendly. You can consult beauty to choose the right color to accentuate the black hair. If you want to select a highlight color on your own and have even tried it yourself then you should be extra careful in doing that. You should check the color of the final product to be sure about your choice. That would be good to make sure that you will get the desired results of the selected highlight color.

Looks Different in Red
If you really want to feel and look different, you can even try a red as a highlight color for your hair. This is a very different color that gives a unique effect on dark or black hair. This highlights come in two colors of different tones are the tones that give the effect of light is often called blonde tones and the other is known as the dark tones darker tone. Bright red color tones highlight comes in the colors of strawberries, while the dark tones highlight comes in cherry red color. That depends on you to determine what type of graffiti that you want for your hair. You can also find some very different shades in this category that tend toward purple or violet.

Stay Natural
If you do not want to use a different highlight color then you can choose from the available colors in the color brown. These colors will not only help in providing a different look on your hair, but also remain natural then. You can choose a bright color or highlight a dark brown to black hair according to your choice.
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